


Junho 19 : 18h-22h
ESMTC/Palacete da Estefânia
Rua Dona Estefânia, 175 Lisbon, Portugal
Talk Through * (com Sophia Ribeiro)
Introdução teórica da filosofia e simbologias constituintes da práctica Underscore
15.30h - 17h, no jardinzinho do Palacete da Estefânia
CILxJam no Jardim Gulbenkian, Junho 12

"The Underscore is a framework for practicing and researching dance improvisation that I've been developing since the early 1990s.  It is a score that guides dancers through a series of 'changing states,' from solo deepening/releasing to sensitizing to gravity and support; through group circulation and interaction, Contact Improvisation engagements, opening out to full group improvisation with compositional awareness, and back to rest and reflection.
The Underscore can be seen as a vehicle for incorporating Contact Improvisation
into a broader arena of improvisational practice; for developing greater ease dancing in spherical space - alone and with others; and for integrating kinesthetic and compositional concerns while improvising.  The Underscore is also being used in the CI community worldwide as a way to focus and concentrate Contact jams."  Nancy Stark Smith, "Caught Falling"

Neste Domingo, Junho 19, o Underscore vai ser ‘Global’, porque outras pessoas em diferentes pontos do mundo se vão juntar e praticar o Underscore à mesma hora!
Juntos iremos dançar com a Nancy Stark-Smith e o Mike Vargas  que vão liderar o evento em Chicago.

Todos os interessados em movimento são bem vindos a participar!

Para quem ainda não entrou em contacto com o Underscore, o único pré-requisito é a participação no talk through *, como forma de facilitar a orientação na estrutura e linguagem da técnica.
A sessão será facilitada por Sophia Ribeiro em colaboração com CILxJam

Sophia Ribeiro
Recentemente em Nova Iorque através do programa de estágios Inov-Art no Movement Research, tive a oportunidade de voltar a praticar o Underscore juntamente com a criadora desta técnica Nancy Stark-Smith  com quem estudei em 2008  'Contact Improvisation, Improvisation Scores / The Underscore, States of Grace Composition, Performance'.

"O Underscore é um laboratório não apenas de técnica de contacto improvisação, mas de mudança. O Underscore instiga e dinamiza lugares de movimento onde o corpo e mente transitam por lugares des-conhecidos, de-crescentes,  des-conectados, des-confortáveis: O Underscore possibilita o ir-radiar e comunicar de mo(vi)mentos  individuais e colectivos."

‘’Momento de partida. ao chegar entendi, ao estar respeitei, ao ouvir partilhei,
ao começar respondi, ao alcançar escutei, ao focar gritei, ao ficar senti.’’ Sophia Ribeiro, NYC Underscore Fevereiro 13, 2011

Doação sugerida: 5€
Agradecimentos: Actividades Abertas/Escola Superior de Medicina Tradicional Chinesa


JAM @ Jardim Gulbenkian com/with Beth Erlander


DOMINGOS 17H30-20H30

Av. de Berna, 45, Lisboa (Metro São Sebastião, Praça de Espanha)
Local: relvado à esquerda da bibioteca/grass near the library

Sessão Introdutória


Este Domingo / This Sunday 


Hi, my name is Beth Erlander and I am an Art and Play Therapist who works with kids of all ages. I have been doing Contact Improv since 1996 and have co-taught CI briefly in Denver and have recently co-led some blindfold CI jams. I attend the Boulder Contact Lab almost every Sunday where we state an intention to focus our dances and dialogue is encouraged. To see more about this please look up Guidelines-Boulder Contact Lab on the web. I am also bringing a copy of the guidelines to share. Currently, I am becoming a “somanaut” which means I am in a training about body-mind centered psychology where we become like astronauts and journey into the body. If you want to know more please check out my teacher and mentor's website www.anniebrook.com. I have been using my new acquired skills to help people slow down and connect to themselves, others and to the ground.

This jam will start by learning how to yield into the ground, the partner that is always there for us. After we connect to the floor/ground we will explore all our end points and begin to move and discover those around us. We will then learn how to yield with another and begin our dancing dialogue. I am happy to come to Portugal and to learn from you and your contact group.



Email: cilxjam@gmail.com
Subscribe: cilxjam-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
Apoio/Support: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Doação sugerida/Suggested donation: 3-5 euros


KudoSurf Me!